The First Sticky Situation

 Written By: Matt Ferreira

Image Via: Nam Huh Associated Press

  Tuesday Major League Baseball announced their first suspension for using a foreign substance on the mound after beginning their crackdown (to read more about the crackdown on foreign substances click here). Seattle Mariners lefty reliever, Hector Santiago, was ejected from the game on Sunday against the Chicago White Sox after the umpire found a sticky substance on his glove during a check. Santiago claims that the substance was just rosin and sweat which would be legal by Major League Baseball standards if it was not on his pitching hand or glove. 

 Santiago is appealing the 10 game suspension issued by Major League Baseball saying that he used a non-foreign substance in rosin. What makes the substance non-foreign is that there are rosin bags on the back of every mound in every stadium for pitchers to use to get a better grip on the baseball. If the suspension stands the Mariners will not be allowed to fill his roster spot during the ten games that Santiago is suspended. 
